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How much does corn sell per bushel?

How much does corn sell for per bushel? In the cash corn division, the average cost per bushel has ranged between $1.25 and $1.95, whereas in the livestock corn division, the average cost per bushel has ranged between $1.13 and $1.81. Since the contest’s debut in 1987, the cost of corn seed has climbed by a whopping 74 percent.

What is the average price for a bushel of corn?

The bushel of corn in 2021 is worth around $6. How many ears of corn in a bushel? 112 ears of corn are in the one bushel. Because an 8-inch ear of corn contains about 0.50 pounds equivalent of shelled corn grain we can calculate that 112 ears of corn are one bushel. 1 ear of corn =0.5 lb. 112 x 0.5 pounds = 56 pounds = 1 bushel. When was corn $7 a bushel?

How much money is a bushel of corn worth?

How much is a bushel of corn 2020? The 2020 corn crop will sell for an average $4.85 a bushel and soybeans for $11.15 a bushel, compared with the average for $3.56 for corn and $8.57 for soybeans grown in 2019, said the USDA.

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